Many cigar aficionados are making plans to travel to Cuba now that the travel restrictions lessened between countries. The thought of smoking a freshly hand-rolled Cuban cigar in Havana is quite the temptation, but how easy is it to check … Continue reading →
On December 17th of 2014, President Obama announced an intention to reestablish diplomatic and economic relations with Cuba. That’s great news for many families that have been torn apart, but for some of us it begs the question- are Cuban … Continue reading →
Cigar Production in Honduras Though Honduras has had a rough history of tobacco growth, due to inclement weather patterns and social unrest, it remains one of the biggest exporters of cigars in the world. In fact, it is second only … Continue reading →
Here at Cigars on 6th we’d like to begin a regular blog series on cigar producing countries, giving a brief overview of the history and current activity of these regions. This week we’ll begin with one of the best-known regions … Continue reading →